Thursday, March 24, 2011

First Day of my Blog - Self Discovery

OK, so I've been writing for a few years now, but mostly to myself.   Call it self discovery.  I started writing in a book I initially called "Living With Diabetes" but during my research for the book I found that so many of the diet books were telling us the same thing with a little twist.  So I changed the book name to "The New Diet Revelation"  the revelation being that it didn't really matter so much which diet you were following, as long as you followed one.  In my book I have tried to be more specific as to what you need to do to change your lifestyle, rather than to follow a specific diet.  Because really, that's what we are doing when we are trying to improve our health.
My book hasn't been published yet but it can be reviewed at:
Go ahead and take a look.  I am presently in the editing phase so any reviews are appreciated.
Once this book is published my plan is to publish another one that includes 365 days of menus & recipes, completely within healthy guidelines.  If the recipe is not included I will give you information on where to find it.  I also have decided to make some sort of flash cards with information regarding interval exercises including yoga moves "Sun Salutation" & "The Five Tibetan Rites" (said to be the fountain of youth).
In this blog I will be posting recipes as I experiment with them.  Many I have tried already and use them daily.  Of course they are geared toward non preservatives, low or nonfat, and good fat.
Happy Eating, see you soon,